FX Corner
Author: François Masquelier
Level: Advanced
Study time: X hours
Course overview
This master classes intend to describe through interviews of practitioners and experts how FX risks are managed by corporate treasurers.
Video time: X hours
Exams: 0
François Masquelier
Chairman of ATEL
ABOUT François
François Masquelier is CEO of Simply Treasury. He has been Senior Vice President, Treasury and Risk Management and the Head of Treasury and Risk Management at RTL Group. He is Chairman of Association of Corporate Treasurers of Luxembourg (ATEL), Honorary Chairman of European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT), member of the Financial Instrument Working Group. He has also been appointed as Specialist at The Institute of Risk Management (IRM). He is a regular contributor to different corporate finance and treasury magazines and newspapers. He has also published 6 books on treasury and financial topics and is Editorial Director of the “Treasurer Magazine”.